
Showing posts from March, 2023

perjalanan ke lombok dari singapore/ trip to lombok from singapore

 This time I will share my experience about traveling to Lombok from Singapore. Lombok is one of the famous islands in Indonesia with beautiful beaches, rich local culture, and stunning natural scenery. I really enjoyed my trip to Lombok and here are some of my experiences that I would like to share with you. Day One: Singapore - Lombok My journey started from Changi airport in Singapore. I bought a direct flight ticket to Lombok International Airport. The flight took about 2.5 hours and I arrived in Lombok in the afternoon. I went straight to the hotel to check in and relax for a while. Day Two: Kuta and Seger Beach My second day in Lombok started with a trip to Kuta Beach. This beach is famous for its soft white sand, clear sea water and spectacular natural scenery. I enjoyed strolling on the beach and swimming in the calm sea water. After that, I went to Seger Beach which is about 5 km away from Kuta Beach. Seger Beach has bigger waves and is a popular spot for surfing. Day Thre...

perjalanan ke lombok dari singapore/ trip to lombok from singapore

 This time I will share my experience about traveling to Lombok from Singapore. Lombok is one of the famous islands in Indonesia with beautiful beaches, rich local culture, and stunning natural scenery. I really enjoyed my trip to Lombok and here are some of my experiences that I would like to share with you. Day One: Singapore - Lombok My journey started from Changi airport in Singapore. I bought a direct flight ticket to Lombok International Airport. The flight took about 2.5 hours and I arrived in Lombok in the afternoon. I went straight to the hotel to check in and relax for a while. Day Two: Kuta and Seger Beach My second day in Lombok started with a trip to Kuta Beach. This beach is famous for its soft white sand, clear sea water and spectacular natural scenery. I enjoyed strolling on the beach and swimming in the calm sea water. After that, I went to Seger Beach which is about 5 km away from Kuta Beach. Seger Beach has bigger waves and is a popular spot for surfing. Day Thre...

cara mengatasi hipotermia saat travel /how to deal with hypothermia when traveling

Jika Anda sedang mendaki gunung dan ada seseorang yang menderita hipotermia, langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan sebagai pertolongan pertama adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Cari tempat yang aman dan kering sesegera mungkin: Pindahkan orang yang terkena hipotermia ke tempat yang aman dan kering untuk menghindari paparan dingin atau basah. 2. Lepaskan pakaian basah dan ganti dengan pakaian kering: Pakaian basah dapat menyebabkan hilangnya panas tubuh lebih cepat. Ganti pakaian basah dengan pakaian yang kering dan bersih untuk membantu menghangatkan tubuh korban. 3. Hangatkan tubuh: Gunakan selimut atau pakaian hangat untuk membantu menghangatkan tubuh korban. Jika memungkinkan, letakkan bantal pemanas di bawah badan dan ketiak atau selangkangan korban. 4. Sediakan minuman hangat: Sediakan minuman hangat seperti teh atau sup untuk membantu meningkatkan suhu tubuh. 5. segera turunkan korban ke tempat yang lebih rendah: Jika suhu tubuh korban turun di bawah 32 derajat Celcius atau jika korban t...

vacation spot in yogyakarta!

 Welcome to Indonesia, a country rich in culture and beautiful nature. If you're planning a trip to Yogyakarta, you'll be entering a city that is known as the center of Javanese culture. Yogyakarta is easily accessible from abroad, especially through Yogyakarta International Airport. There are many direct flights from several countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. After arriving at Yogyakarta International Airport, you can choose to take a taxi or online transportation to get to your destination. You can also rent a car or motorbike if you want more freedom and flexibility in exploring the city. One of the must-visit tourist destinations in Yogyakarta is Borobudur Temple. This temple is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites and is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. You can enjoy a stunning sunrise or sunset view at Borobudur Temple. Besides Borobudur Temple, you must also visit Prambanan Temple which is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. Pramb...

holiday in indonesia part 1 (bali)

 A trip to Bali is always an exciting and unforgettable experience. Bali is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia with its stunning natural beauty, beautiful beaches and rich culture. For travelers wanting to visit Bali, Ngurah Rai International Airport, Denpasar is the most common entry point. Here is a travel experience to Bali starting from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Arriving at the Airport Arriving at Ngurah Rai Airport, travelers will be welcomed by the tropical atmosphere that is typical of Bali. Before entering the terminal, travelers will pass through a beautiful tropical garden surrounded by traditional Balinese statues. After passing through the immigration and baggage collection process, travelers will exit to the outside of the terminal. Outside the terminal, travelers will find many souvenir sellers, taxis, and ojek drivers ready to help. Transportation There are many transportation options available to get to your destination in Bali. Commonly used transpo...

Cara mengobati kutu skabies menggunakan obat alami (part 2)

 Skabies atau kudis adalah infeksi kulit yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei. Pengobatan skabies biasanya melibatkan penggunaan obat-obatan khusus yang diresepkan oleh dokter. Namun, ada beberapa bahan alami yang dapat membantu mengurangi gejala dan membantu mempercepat penyembuhan. Berikut adalah beberapa bahan alami yang dapat digunakan untuk mengobati skabies: 1. Minyak kelapa: Oleskan minyak kelapa pada kulit yang terkena skabies dan biarkan selama beberapa jam sebelum dicuci. Minyak kelapa memiliki sifat antijamur dan antibakteri yang dapat membantu membasmi tungau penyebab skabies. 2. Minyak teh pohon: Minyak ini dikenal memiliki sifat antijamur dan antiseptik yang kuat. Oleskan minyak teh pohon pada kulit yang terkena skabies beberapa kali sehari dan biarkan selama beberapa jam sebelum dicuci. 3. Daun mint: Rebus daun mint segar dalam air dan biarkan dingin. Oleskan air daun mint pada kulit yang terkena skabies dan biarkan selama beberapa jam sebelum dicuci. Daun m...