perjalanan ke lombok dari singapore/ trip to lombok from singapore

 This time I will share my experience about traveling to Lombok from Singapore. Lombok is one of the famous islands in Indonesia with beautiful beaches, rich local culture, and stunning natural scenery. I really enjoyed my trip to Lombok and here are some of my experiences that I would like to share with you. Day One: Singapore - Lombok My journey started from Changi airport in Singapore. I bought a direct flight ticket to Lombok International Airport. The flight took about 2.5 hours and I arrived in Lombok in the afternoon. I went straight to the hotel to check in and relax for a while. Day Two: Kuta and Seger Beach My second day in Lombok started with a trip to Kuta Beach. This beach is famous for its soft white sand, clear sea water and spectacular natural scenery. I enjoyed strolling on the beach and swimming in the calm sea water. After that, I went to Seger Beach which is about 5 km away from Kuta Beach. Seger Beach has bigger waves and is a popular spot for surfing. Day Thre...

Tempat Hunting Di Bandung (Part 2)

Di urutan yang pertama ad

1. Dago dream park (jalan dago pakar utara)
  disana banyak tempat wisata alam yang cocok untuk dipakai hunting photo
  Cocok untuk rekreasi keluarga dan teman

2. Bukit moko (Jl maribaya Utara No 149-151)
di bukit moko terdapat banyak pohon pinus yang cocok untuk dipakai berfoto
 terutama pre wedding

3. Farmhouse Susu Lembang ( Jl. Raya Lembang No. 108)
 di farmhouse susu lembang ini kalian bisa berfoto sekaligus menikmati cemilan/makanan 
cocok untuk lokasi berfoto/ wisata untuk keluarga


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